Exam Date: Thursday, December 17, 2009
Industry & Immigration Jeopardy
Test Review Sheet
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
8th Grade Curriculum
7th Grade Review
Lesson 1-5

6. Lincoln’s Election
Firebell in the Night – Fort Sumter
7. What Are We Fighting For?
Causes of the Civil War – Review

8. A Tale of the Tape – Advantages & Disadvantages
9. Civil War Strategy
North & South
10. Civil War on the Battlefield – Part I – Big Paper
Highlight Civil War Technology
11. The Emancipation Proclamation
12. Civil War on the Battlefield – Part II – Big Paper
13. The Gettysburg Address
14. The Assassination of Lincoln
The Tragedy at Ford’s Theater

15. “O Captain! My Captain!” vs “The Good Ol’ Rebel” (9/30-10/2)
Three Cups of Tea (10/5-10/9)
16. The War is Over, Let the Healing Begin (10/13)
17. Now What? The President & Congress Clash Over Reconstruction
18. The Contradictions of Reconstruction
African American Gains & Losses
Strange Fruit
19. The Rise of the Ku Klux Klan
Hate groups as a reaction to black emancipation
20. Reconstruction in the New South
Hurricane Katrina footage – Think deeply
Has the nation been fully reconstructed?

21. The Frontier in American History
Post-War America & a New Age of Expansion
What is a Frontier
Analyze the works of Frederic Remington – Detail
22. “Don’t Fence Me In”
The Impact of railroads, mining, and ranching in the west
The Game of Monopoly – Greed - John Stossel
23. A Way of Life Ends
Native American are confronted with relocation and reservations
24. The Census of 1890
Is the Frontier Really Closed?
25. “Far & Away”
Clips from Cruise and Kidman’s film about Irish immigration
26. Captains of Industry or Robber Barons - Research
27. Captains of Industry or Robber Barons - Research
28. Captains of Industry or Robber Barons - Debate
29. The Game of Monopoly – Highlight the railroad industry
30. Economic Principles – Supply & Demand
Free Market
Laissez faire
31. Does Capitalism Lead to Efficiency & Invention?
Electric power, telephone, automobile, refrigeration, the airplane
32. Supply & Demand and its Impact on Wages
Highlight the impact of widespread immigration
33 The Immigrant Experience: A Story of the American Dream
Video – Janek & Family
34. Labor Practice in the Age of Industry – Conditions
Triangle Fire
Modern Times – Charlie Chaplin
35. The Oceanside Tootsie Roll Factory
36. The Oceanside Tootsie Roll Factory
37. Workers Attempt to Unite
38. The Statue of Liberty
An Icon or an Eyesore?
Have we lived up to the principles set forth by Emma Lazarus?
39. Push & Pull
Factors leading to immigration
40. Americans Welcome Their New Neighbors. Do They Really?
41. The Changing Face of the American City - Physically
42. The Changing Face of the American City – Culturally
43. What is an American?
As presented in the art and literature of the day
44. Reform – Boss Tweed (Symbol)
• Gangs of New York (15 minutes)
45. Reform/Muckrakers
46. Reform/Muckrakers
47. Reform/Muckrakers
48. Reform/Muckrakers
49. Teddy Roosevelt - Symbol of progressivism

50. Steer Clear of Permanent Alliances
Examining the foreign policy advice of Washington
51. Introduction: The Age of Imperialism
Forces making expansion possible
Trace American Expansion (1796-Today)
52. The Spanish-American War
Social Darwinism
“White Man’s Burden”
53. Spanish-American War
"Remember the Maine"
54. Spanish-American War
Relations with Latin America
World’s Constable
55. War Erupts in Europe - MANIA
56. The Sinking of the Lusitania
57. Should the U.S. Enter the War?
Zimmerman Telegram
Declaring War
"The world must be made safe for democracy”
58. The Nation at War
Winning the war on the homefront
Selective Service Act
“Food will win the war”
Liberty Bonds
Victory Gardens
George M. Cohan – “Over There”
59. Civil Liberties are Under Attack
Debs & Schenck
60. World War I in the Trenches
Sponge War w/ slide show
61. Results of World War I
Armistice Day
New boundaries
New World Order
62. The Treaty of Versailles
14 Points
Wilson’s plan for peace
Can it create peace in the 20th century?

63. The War is Over: Now What?
Americans Celebrate & Modernize
64. New Ways of Life - Cultural
The Jazz Age
The Flapper buoyed by the 19th Amendment
Dance, Dance, Dance!!!
65. Alcohol & American Morality
Did the widespread disregard for the 18th Amendment
highlight new trend of permissiveness that would culminate
in the culture wars of the early 21st century?
The Simpsons – “The Beer Baron”
66. Clouds on the Horizon
Al Capone & oganized crime
Backlash against immigrants – Sacco & Vanzetti
The Red Scare
67. The Scopes Monkey Trial
A symbol of the clash between American traditional
Values and modernity
68. The Business of America is Business
Republican presidents of the 20’s help promote American
69. Americans As Investors
Speculation frenzy leads to great riches (on paper)
Buying on margin
Highlight the concept of uneven prosperity
70. A Mass Culture – What is An American?
Automobile, radios, movies. literature
Consumerism – Installment Buying
71. Hero Worship & the 1920’s
Langston Hughes & the artists of the Harlem Renaissance
Babe Ruth
Charles Lindbergh

72. The Stock Market Crashes
Black Tuesday – 10/29/29
73. The Cycle of Depression
74. President Hoover’s Response
Viewed as ineffectual
Blamed for not having the foresight to avoid this crash
The Bonus March illustrates a breach of confidence
And insensitivity (Examples: Hoovervilles; Hoover Leather; Hoover Blankets)
75. “Brother Can You Spare a Dime”
The Depression Slide Show
Try to tap into the mood of the Great Depression
76. The Dust Bowl
Selections from The Grapes of Wrath
77. The Election of 1932
President Roosevelt Gives Hope to Americans
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
Relief, Recovery, Reform
Roosevelt’s polio
78. The New Deal - Programs
79. The New Deal - Programs
80. The New Deal - Programs
81. The New Deal - Criticisms
Too much power in the hands of government
82. Americans Try to Escape the Depression
The Wizard of Oz
Gone With the Wind
Snow White

83. A Recipe for War: The Causes of World War II
From the Treaty of Versailles to Germany’s
Invasion of Poland
The rise of dictatorships, global depression, reparations,
84. The Rise of Totalitarianism
Mussolini’s Fascists
Hitler and the Nazi Party – Highlight “Final Solution”
and Hitler’s ideology
Japan’s military rule
85. The War Breaks Out in Europe and Asia
American neutrality
Lend-Lease Act
Atlantic Charter
86. The United States Under Attack
Pearl Harbor
87. Did American Intelligence Fail Us?
Could the attack on Pearl Harbor have been thwarted?
88. Americans Mobilize for War
The draft
Victory gardens
Scrap metal drives
Propaganda Campaigns
89. Women on the Homefront
Rosie the Riveter
90. Minorities & the War
A Proving Ground?
91. Japanese Internment Policy
92. Civil Liberties & Japanese Internment
93. World War II Battles & Strategy
94. World War II Battles & Strategy
95. Winning the War
D-Day & the Normandy Invasion
Victory in Europe
96. Saving Private Ryan – Edited
97. World War II in the Pacific
98. The Ethics of the Atom Bomb
99. The War is Over
What do learn about man’s humanity/inhumanity?
The Holocaust
Bataan Death March
Stalin’s Purges
100. The Origins of the Cold War
Communist vs. Democratic Principles
101. The Cold War Heats Up: Global Balance of Power Shifts
Soviet Expansion
Importance of Berlin
102. The Shocks of 1949:
Soviet Atomic Program
Communist Rule in China
103. Communists Among Us?
McCarthyism & the Red Scare
104. Cold War Hot Spots
105. Cold War Hot Spots
106. Case Study: Vietnam
The Domino Theory
107. Case Study: Vietnam
War Protest – Kent State
Music, Literature, The Arts
108. Born on the 4th of July
Idealism to Disillusion
109. A Nation Attempts to Heal
Importance of Maya Lin
Are monuments important?
110. The Cold War Comes to An End
Nixon visits China – Détente (1972)
SALT Agreement
STAR Wars – Reagan – “Peace through strength”
Reagan and Gorbachev
Fall of the Soviet Union

111. What is an American? (1950-2005)
“We Didn’t Start the Fire”
112. The Baby Boom & the Rise of Suburbia
Levittown as a symbol
GI Bill
113. Economic Prosperity & Security
Interstate Highway Act
Growth of the Subelt
Commercial Air Travel
Some confusion – Beatniks/Elvis/Sameness (Stepfords)
114. The Importance of John F. Kennedy
Youthful vitality
Inspiring –“Ask not what….”
Space Program
115. Kennedy’s Assassination
116. Civil Rights Movement
117. Civil Rights Movement
Riots in the Street
118. Civil Rights Movement
119. Civil Rights Movement
1968: A Year of Tragedy
120. Nixon & Watergate - Ford
121. Carter & Iran Hostage Crisis
122. The Reagan Presidency
The Conservative Revolution
The Fall of Communism
Tiananmen Square
Cuban refugees
123. President Bush & The Gulf War
124. Global Unrest in the Post-Cold War Era
African Apartheid
125. “9/11 and the End of Innocence”
126. How Can We Make a Better World?
Lesson 1-5

6. Lincoln’s Election
Firebell in the Night – Fort Sumter
7. What Are We Fighting For?
Causes of the Civil War – Review

8. A Tale of the Tape – Advantages & Disadvantages
9. Civil War Strategy
North & South
10. Civil War on the Battlefield – Part I – Big Paper
Highlight Civil War Technology
11. The Emancipation Proclamation
12. Civil War on the Battlefield – Part II – Big Paper
13. The Gettysburg Address
14. The Assassination of Lincoln
The Tragedy at Ford’s Theater

15. “O Captain! My Captain!” vs “The Good Ol’ Rebel” (9/30-10/2)
Three Cups of Tea (10/5-10/9)
16. The War is Over, Let the Healing Begin (10/13)
17. Now What? The President & Congress Clash Over Reconstruction
18. The Contradictions of Reconstruction
African American Gains & Losses
Strange Fruit
19. The Rise of the Ku Klux Klan
Hate groups as a reaction to black emancipation
20. Reconstruction in the New South
Hurricane Katrina footage – Think deeply
Has the nation been fully reconstructed?

21. The Frontier in American History
Post-War America & a New Age of Expansion
What is a Frontier
Analyze the works of Frederic Remington – Detail
22. “Don’t Fence Me In”
The Impact of railroads, mining, and ranching in the west
The Game of Monopoly – Greed - John Stossel
23. A Way of Life Ends
Native American are confronted with relocation and reservations
24. The Census of 1890
Is the Frontier Really Closed?
25. “Far & Away”
Clips from Cruise and Kidman’s film about Irish immigration
26. Captains of Industry or Robber Barons - Research
27. Captains of Industry or Robber Barons - Research
28. Captains of Industry or Robber Barons - Debate
29. The Game of Monopoly – Highlight the railroad industry
30. Economic Principles – Supply & Demand
Free Market
Laissez faire
31. Does Capitalism Lead to Efficiency & Invention?
Electric power, telephone, automobile, refrigeration, the airplane
32. Supply & Demand and its Impact on Wages
Highlight the impact of widespread immigration
33 The Immigrant Experience: A Story of the American Dream
Video – Janek & Family
34. Labor Practice in the Age of Industry – Conditions
Triangle Fire
Modern Times – Charlie Chaplin
35. The Oceanside Tootsie Roll Factory
36. The Oceanside Tootsie Roll Factory
37. Workers Attempt to Unite
38. The Statue of Liberty
An Icon or an Eyesore?
Have we lived up to the principles set forth by Emma Lazarus?
39. Push & Pull
Factors leading to immigration
40. Americans Welcome Their New Neighbors. Do They Really?
41. The Changing Face of the American City - Physically
42. The Changing Face of the American City – Culturally
43. What is an American?
As presented in the art and literature of the day
44. Reform – Boss Tweed (Symbol)
• Gangs of New York (15 minutes)
45. Reform/Muckrakers
46. Reform/Muckrakers
47. Reform/Muckrakers
48. Reform/Muckrakers
49. Teddy Roosevelt - Symbol of progressivism

50. Steer Clear of Permanent Alliances
Examining the foreign policy advice of Washington
51. Introduction: The Age of Imperialism
Forces making expansion possible
Trace American Expansion (1796-Today)
52. The Spanish-American War
Social Darwinism
“White Man’s Burden”
53. Spanish-American War
"Remember the Maine"
54. Spanish-American War
Relations with Latin America
World’s Constable
55. War Erupts in Europe - MANIA
56. The Sinking of the Lusitania
57. Should the U.S. Enter the War?
Zimmerman Telegram
Declaring War
"The world must be made safe for democracy”
58. The Nation at War
Winning the war on the homefront
Selective Service Act
“Food will win the war”
Liberty Bonds
Victory Gardens
George M. Cohan – “Over There”
59. Civil Liberties are Under Attack
Debs & Schenck
60. World War I in the Trenches
Sponge War w/ slide show
61. Results of World War I
Armistice Day
New boundaries
New World Order
62. The Treaty of Versailles
14 Points
Wilson’s plan for peace
Can it create peace in the 20th century?

63. The War is Over: Now What?
Americans Celebrate & Modernize
64. New Ways of Life - Cultural
The Jazz Age
The Flapper buoyed by the 19th Amendment
Dance, Dance, Dance!!!
65. Alcohol & American Morality
Did the widespread disregard for the 18th Amendment
highlight new trend of permissiveness that would culminate
in the culture wars of the early 21st century?
The Simpsons – “The Beer Baron”
66. Clouds on the Horizon
Al Capone & oganized crime
Backlash against immigrants – Sacco & Vanzetti
The Red Scare
67. The Scopes Monkey Trial
A symbol of the clash between American traditional
Values and modernity
68. The Business of America is Business
Republican presidents of the 20’s help promote American
69. Americans As Investors
Speculation frenzy leads to great riches (on paper)
Buying on margin
Highlight the concept of uneven prosperity
70. A Mass Culture – What is An American?
Automobile, radios, movies. literature
Consumerism – Installment Buying
71. Hero Worship & the 1920’s
Langston Hughes & the artists of the Harlem Renaissance
Babe Ruth
Charles Lindbergh

72. The Stock Market Crashes
Black Tuesday – 10/29/29
73. The Cycle of Depression
74. President Hoover’s Response
Viewed as ineffectual
Blamed for not having the foresight to avoid this crash
The Bonus March illustrates a breach of confidence
And insensitivity (Examples: Hoovervilles; Hoover Leather; Hoover Blankets)
75. “Brother Can You Spare a Dime”
The Depression Slide Show
Try to tap into the mood of the Great Depression
76. The Dust Bowl
Selections from The Grapes of Wrath
77. The Election of 1932
President Roosevelt Gives Hope to Americans
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
Relief, Recovery, Reform
Roosevelt’s polio
78. The New Deal - Programs
79. The New Deal - Programs
80. The New Deal - Programs
81. The New Deal - Criticisms
Too much power in the hands of government
82. Americans Try to Escape the Depression
The Wizard of Oz
Gone With the Wind
Snow White

83. A Recipe for War: The Causes of World War II
From the Treaty of Versailles to Germany’s
Invasion of Poland
The rise of dictatorships, global depression, reparations,
84. The Rise of Totalitarianism
Mussolini’s Fascists
Hitler and the Nazi Party – Highlight “Final Solution”
and Hitler’s ideology
Japan’s military rule
85. The War Breaks Out in Europe and Asia
American neutrality
Lend-Lease Act
Atlantic Charter
86. The United States Under Attack
Pearl Harbor
87. Did American Intelligence Fail Us?
Could the attack on Pearl Harbor have been thwarted?
88. Americans Mobilize for War
The draft
Victory gardens
Scrap metal drives
Propaganda Campaigns
89. Women on the Homefront
Rosie the Riveter
90. Minorities & the War
A Proving Ground?
91. Japanese Internment Policy
92. Civil Liberties & Japanese Internment
93. World War II Battles & Strategy
94. World War II Battles & Strategy
95. Winning the War
D-Day & the Normandy Invasion
Victory in Europe
96. Saving Private Ryan – Edited
97. World War II in the Pacific
98. The Ethics of the Atom Bomb
99. The War is Over
What do learn about man’s humanity/inhumanity?
The Holocaust
Bataan Death March
Stalin’s Purges
100. The Origins of the Cold War
Communist vs. Democratic Principles
101. The Cold War Heats Up: Global Balance of Power Shifts
Soviet Expansion
Importance of Berlin
102. The Shocks of 1949:
Soviet Atomic Program
Communist Rule in China
103. Communists Among Us?
McCarthyism & the Red Scare
104. Cold War Hot Spots
105. Cold War Hot Spots
106. Case Study: Vietnam
The Domino Theory
107. Case Study: Vietnam
War Protest – Kent State
Music, Literature, The Arts
108. Born on the 4th of July
Idealism to Disillusion
109. A Nation Attempts to Heal
Importance of Maya Lin
Are monuments important?
110. The Cold War Comes to An End
Nixon visits China – Détente (1972)
SALT Agreement
STAR Wars – Reagan – “Peace through strength”
Reagan and Gorbachev
Fall of the Soviet Union

111. What is an American? (1950-2005)
“We Didn’t Start the Fire”
112. The Baby Boom & the Rise of Suburbia
Levittown as a symbol
GI Bill
113. Economic Prosperity & Security
Interstate Highway Act
Growth of the Subelt
Commercial Air Travel
Some confusion – Beatniks/Elvis/Sameness (Stepfords)
114. The Importance of John F. Kennedy
Youthful vitality
Inspiring –“Ask not what….”
Space Program
115. Kennedy’s Assassination
116. Civil Rights Movement
117. Civil Rights Movement
Riots in the Street
118. Civil Rights Movement
119. Civil Rights Movement
1968: A Year of Tragedy
120. Nixon & Watergate - Ford
121. Carter & Iran Hostage Crisis
122. The Reagan Presidency
The Conservative Revolution
The Fall of Communism
Tiananmen Square
Cuban refugees
123. President Bush & The Gulf War
124. Global Unrest in the Post-Cold War Era
African Apartheid
125. “9/11 and the End of Innocence”
126. How Can We Make a Better World?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wednesday, December 2nd

Hello Team 8-2!
I'll be home sick today but I am hopeful that all plans are followed and all work is completed efficiently. I also expect you to be respectful to the substitute as well as one another.
Today's Procedure
1. Please write homework from the back board
2. Take out homework packet - "Captains of Industry or Robber Barons?
*With substitute, please review all answers and discuss as necessary.
3. Once review is complete, work on packet pages 11 & 12.
4. Note: We will be writing a TDC paragraph in class on Friday. If all of your work is completed, you are strongly encouraged to work on a rough draft. The question will be:
Should the Industrial leaders of the late 1800s be looked at with admiration as Captains of Industry, or should they be viewed with disdain as Robber Barons?
5. If you complete all assignments, you may use the Junior Scholastic library on the back table.
Have a great day! I look forward to returning tomorrow.
Mr. Keegan
Friday, November 6, 2009
Time Traveler
Research the major events, ideas, and developments of the 20th Century as a means to prepare yourself for Monday's Decades Draft. Ask your parents, relatives, teachers, and coaches which events in the lives stand out to them. Ask them why these events are so memorable?
For a digital version (downloadable) of the Historical Fact Sheet go the link below.
Project Summary & Due Dates - Team 8-2
The links below include lists of some of the most important events of the 2oth century. You are not bound to use one of these events as the subject of your Time Traveler Project.
Freedom Forum - Top 100 Events of the 20th Century
Newseum - Top 100 Stories of the Century
The Associated Press - Top 100 News Stories
Top 100 Sports Stories of the 20th Century
1900 vs. Today
The First Flight - The Wright Brothers
The Triangle Fire
The Roaring Twenties
1930s - A Survey of the Decade
1930s - People & Personalities
American Cultural History
Jackie Robinson
American Cultural History
Elvis Presley - Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame
Brown v. Board of Education
The 1960-1969
John F. Kennedy - PBS
Riots of the 1960s
For a digital version (downloadable) of the Historical Fact Sheet go the link below.
Project Summary & Due Dates - Team 8-2
The links below include lists of some of the most important events of the 2oth century. You are not bound to use one of these events as the subject of your Time Traveler Project.
Freedom Forum - Top 100 Events of the 20th Century
Newseum - Top 100 Stories of the Century
The Associated Press - Top 100 News Stories
Top 100 Sports Stories of the 20th Century
1900 vs. Today
The First Flight - The Wright Brothers
The Triangle Fire
The Roaring Twenties
1930s - A Survey of the Decade
1930s - People & Personalities
American Cultural History
Jackie Robinson
American Cultural History
Elvis Presley - Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame
Brown v. Board of Education
The 1960-1969
John F. Kennedy - PBS
Riots of the 1960s
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Three Cups of Tea
Three Cups of Tea Kick-off
Thursday, October 8th - ELA
Friday, October 9th - Social Studies

In Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time , Greg Mortenson, and journalist David Oliver Relin, recount the journey that led Mortenson from a failed 1993 attempt to climb Pakistan’s K2, the world’s second highest mountain, to successfully establish schools in some of the most remote regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan. By replacing guns with pencils, rhetoric with reading, Mortenson combines his unique background with his intimate knowledge of the third-world to promote peace with books, not bombs, and successfully bring education and hope to remote communities in central Asia. Three Cups of Tea is at once an unforgettable adventure and the inspiring true story of how one man really is changing the world—one school at a time.
Thursday, October 8th - ELA
Friday, October 9th - Social Studies

In Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time , Greg Mortenson, and journalist David Oliver Relin, recount the journey that led Mortenson from a failed 1993 attempt to climb Pakistan’s K2, the world’s second highest mountain, to successfully establish schools in some of the most remote regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan. By replacing guns with pencils, rhetoric with reading, Mortenson combines his unique background with his intimate knowledge of the third-world to promote peace with books, not bombs, and successfully bring education and hope to remote communities in central Asia. Three Cups of Tea is at once an unforgettable adventure and the inspiring true story of how one man really is changing the world—one school at a time.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Test Make-Ups
Extra Help will be available on Thursday, October 8th for any student who missed last week's exam. This session will begin at 2:30 and end at 3:10. As scheduled, I will also offer morning extra help on Thursday at 7:10.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Civil War Test Correction
Sorry for the change, but our Civil War Exam has been moved from Wednesday, 9/28 to Thursday, 10/1. This will allow for students to attend Thursday morning extra help at 7:10.
Review Sheet Attachment
Review Sheet Attachment
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday, September 15
8th Grade Curriculum
Attached below is a skeletal look at our 8th grade curriculum. Please don't view as precise, but it may provide a sense as to where we are going and our pacing.
8th Grade Curriculum
Attached below is a skeletal look at our 8th grade curriculum. Please don't view as precise, but it may provide a sense as to where we are going and our pacing.
8th Grade Curriculum
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hello Team 8-2!!!
Welcome back. It seems like only yesterday that we were completing our final exams and heading off into summer break. I do hope the summer was a restful time for all of you, allowing you the opportunity to relax in the company of family and friends. The Keegan family had a great summer, with the boys, Leo and Matthew, visiting the Adirondacks, New York City, and the Jersey Shore for the first time.
I look to the '09-'10 school-year with great excitement as we will explore American history from 1865 (the first shots at Fort Sumter) to the modern day and the global war on terror. Embedded in our curriculum is an integrated ELA-Social Studies examination of the book, Three Cups of Tea.The book chronicles the work of Greg Mortensen in building schools in Pakistan and fostering greater respect and rights for women.
Remember the words of Thomas edison:
Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."
If you are willing to work hard you will find no limit to what you can accomplish. I look forward to helping you reach your goals.
- Mr. Keegan

Welcome back. It seems like only yesterday that we were completing our final exams and heading off into summer break. I do hope the summer was a restful time for all of you, allowing you the opportunity to relax in the company of family and friends. The Keegan family had a great summer, with the boys, Leo and Matthew, visiting the Adirondacks, New York City, and the Jersey Shore for the first time.
I look to the '09-'10 school-year with great excitement as we will explore American history from 1865 (the first shots at Fort Sumter) to the modern day and the global war on terror. Embedded in our curriculum is an integrated ELA-Social Studies examination of the book, Three Cups of Tea.The book chronicles the work of Greg Mortensen in building schools in Pakistan and fostering greater respect and rights for women.
Remember the words of Thomas edison:
Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."
If you are willing to work hard you will find no limit to what you can accomplish. I look forward to helping you reach your goals.
- Mr. Keegan

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June 9, 2009
Hello Team 7-2
Today's Announcements
Extra Help will be held on Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 7:10, as well as Wednesday afternoon.
1. Good luck today as you make final preparations for tomorrow's DBQ!
Don't forget, the topic is The Causes of the Civil War.
2. You will be reviewing a brief slide show highlighting some of the positives and negatives of your Westward Expansion DBQ. Please pay close attention!
3. When you are done reviewing the slide show, please either:
Work on your green multiple choice Review Booklet. All practice exams must be completed by next Tuesday!
Study for tomorrow's DBQ. This may include reviewing all of your notes or the textbook pages on the Causes of the Civil War. The old textbooks are just fine for this!
Also, don't forget you may complete the Castle Learning tests all the way up to next Tuesday!!!
Today's Announcements
Extra Help will be held on Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 7:10, as well as Wednesday afternoon.
1. Good luck today as you make final preparations for tomorrow's DBQ!
Don't forget, the topic is The Causes of the Civil War.
2. You will be reviewing a brief slide show highlighting some of the positives and negatives of your Westward Expansion DBQ. Please pay close attention!
3. When you are done reviewing the slide show, please either:
Work on your green multiple choice Review Booklet. All practice exams must be completed by next Tuesday!
Study for tomorrow's DBQ. This may include reviewing all of your notes or the textbook pages on the Causes of the Civil War. The old textbooks are just fine for this!
Also, don't forget you may complete the Castle Learning tests all the way up to next Tuesday!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Review for the Final Exam

Please note that 6 review tests have been created on Castle Learning (http://www.castlelearning.com). I believe these questions will provide an excellent review for our final exam.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
4th Cycle Assignment and Exam Schedule
June 2009
Assignment Schedule
Due Wednesday, May 27th
Using POQ, Complete Document Analysis:
• Painting 420
• Painting 423
• Paintings 425
• Chart 427
• Painting 428
Due Thursday, May 28th
Complete handout, A Delicate Balance
Due Friday, May 29th
Complete Cartoon Packet (Civil War & Reconstruction)
& Handout # 1-22
Due Monday, June 1st
Define each term:
sectionalism, popular sovereignty, secede, fugitive, civil war,
repeal, guerrilla warfare, lawsuit, arsenal, martyr
Due Tuesday, June 2nd
Each item below must be fully described.
1. Missouri Compromise
2. Wilmot Proviso
3. Compromise of 1850 (Explain all five parts)
4. Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
5. Kansas-Nebraska Act
6. Bleeding Kansas (Why was there so much fighting here?)
7. The Dred Scott decision (Describe the importance of this case)
8. John Brown’s Raid
Due Wednesday, June 3rd
Complete each question below to the best of your ability. Use the pages noted below for background information.
Why did the Republican Party come into being in the mid-1850’s? (Text pg 435)
What were Abraham Lincoln’s views on slavery? (Text 435-436)
How did northerners and southerners respond differently to the raid on Harpers Ferry? (Text 438)
How did the South react to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President in 1860?
(Text 439-441)
Why is Fort Sumter such an important part of studying the Civil War? (Text 443)
Due Friday, June 5th
Causes of the Civil War Exam
DBQ Exam
Wednesday, June 10th
Thursday, June 11th
Friday, June 12th
M/C Final Exam
Tuesday, June 16th
Assignment Schedule
Due Wednesday, May 27th
Using POQ, Complete Document Analysis:
• Painting 420
• Painting 423
• Paintings 425
• Chart 427
• Painting 428
Due Thursday, May 28th
Complete handout, A Delicate Balance
Due Friday, May 29th
Complete Cartoon Packet (Civil War & Reconstruction)
& Handout # 1-22
Due Monday, June 1st
Define each term:
sectionalism, popular sovereignty, secede, fugitive, civil war,
repeal, guerrilla warfare, lawsuit, arsenal, martyr
Due Tuesday, June 2nd
Each item below must be fully described.
1. Missouri Compromise
2. Wilmot Proviso
3. Compromise of 1850 (Explain all five parts)
4. Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
5. Kansas-Nebraska Act
6. Bleeding Kansas (Why was there so much fighting here?)
7. The Dred Scott decision (Describe the importance of this case)
8. John Brown’s Raid
Due Wednesday, June 3rd
Complete each question below to the best of your ability. Use the pages noted below for background information.
Why did the Republican Party come into being in the mid-1850’s? (Text pg 435)
What were Abraham Lincoln’s views on slavery? (Text 435-436)
How did northerners and southerners respond differently to the raid on Harpers Ferry? (Text 438)
How did the South react to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President in 1860?
(Text 439-441)
Why is Fort Sumter such an important part of studying the Civil War? (Text 443)
Due Friday, June 5th
Causes of the Civil War Exam
DBQ Exam
Wednesday, June 10th
Thursday, June 11th
Friday, June 12th
M/C Final Exam
Tuesday, June 16th
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
$15 Million Dollars - The Inflation Calculator
So it cost Jefferson and Congress $15 million to purchase the Louisiana Territory. Use the inflation calculator to figure out how much that would be today!!!

The Inflation Calculator

The Inflation Calculator
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Castle Learning

I am happy to report that another practice exam has been added to Castle Learning. Please log-in and look for the exam, Early Presidents Preview. If you have forgotten, your username is ocean-school id. Your password was your own creation. If you have forgotten your password, please e-mail me at dkeegan@oceanside.k12.ny.us and I will delete your password.
Please note, this exam is a preview designed to assess your background knowledge. Since we have only just begun the unit, I expect that this will be a difficult test. Do not worry!!! It will help me better plan our unit.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday, March 17th
Hello Team 7-2. I will be out of the building today but I have left behind a very detailed lesson and an important review. I ask that you be respectful toward your substitute teacher and that you work hard preparing for Thursday's exam. Any work that is not completed today will be part of our review tomorrow. Also, I will have extra help on Wednesday afternoon, as well as Wednesday and Thursday mornings.
Mr. Keegan
Mr. Keegan
Monday, March 16, 2009
Castle Learning Review

I am happy to report that a new practice exam has been added to Castle Learning. Please log-in and look for the exam, Government Review. If you have forgotten, your username is ocean-school id. Your password was your own creation. If you have forgotten your password, please e-mail me at dkeegan@oceanside.k12.ny.us and I will delete your password. All students scoring an 75% or above will receive 2 bonus points on Thursday's exam. Good luck!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Hello Team 7-2!!
Just wanted to let everyone know that I am in the building but will not be in each class. I will be in a number of meetings today, which means a substitute teacher will be leading our class. As always, please be respectful and work diligently. Your government exam is Wednesday, and what I have left behind today will be helpful as you continue your preparations.
1. Hello & Welcome
2.Please take 5 minutes to fill in page # 2 of your "Mess to Model"
sheet from Friday.
Section D must complete!
3.Taboo Review with Sections D & E
4. How a Bill Becomes a Law
"I'm Just a Bill"
5. Government Review Packet - Study
Just wanted to let everyone know that I am in the building but will not be in each class. I will be in a number of meetings today, which means a substitute teacher will be leading our class. As always, please be respectful and work diligently. Your government exam is Wednesday, and what I have left behind today will be helpful as you continue your preparations.
1. Hello & Welcome
2.Please take 5 minutes to fill in page # 2 of your "Mess to Model"
sheet from Friday.
Section D must complete!
3.Taboo Review with Sections D & E
4. How a Bill Becomes a Law
"I'm Just a Bill"
5. Government Review Packet - Study
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The Keegan Boys Have Arrived

Hello Team 7-2! As you all know, my wife gave birth to two baby boys on Tuesday, February 24th. Leo was born at 8:34 A.M. and Matthew entered the world at 8:35. They are home now, eating and resting comfortably in the company of family and friends. It has been an amazing experience, and I look forward to sharing Leo and Matthew's stories with you over the next year and a half.

Leo & Matthew Keegan
I also wanted to thank Ms. Wick and Ms. Shulman for working tirelessly to maintain continuity and helping you to understand the principles of the U.S. Constitution. I spoke with Ms. Wick each day to plan lessons and discuss classroom behaviors. All in all, Ms. Wick gave a good report, and, for this, I am proud!
Thank you, also, to all of you have been in contact with kind words and support. It has been appreciated! It was great seeing so many of you in school on Thursday, and I look forward to catching up with all of you tomorrow.
Mr. Keegan
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation
Weaknesses of the Articles

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

Constitutional Debate

Causes and Effects of the Revolution

Causes and Effects of the Constitution
Weaknesses of the Articles

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

Constitutional Debate

Causes and Effects of the Revolution

Causes and Effects of the Constitution

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Faces of the Revolution Presentations
Presentations will continue tomorrow, February 4th, and will continue throughout the week. Please remember, EXTRA HELP is available each morning this week at 7:00. Please see me if this does not work for you.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Project News
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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