Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday, January 20th

Digital DBQ - Foreign Policy

Earthquake in Haiti - Student News Report

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Welcome to the Computer Lab!

Throughout this week we will explore different aspects of the Progressive Era. I do hope you work individually, efficiently, and to the best of your ability. Please continue to refer back to this web page as it will provide a good overview of our week.

Tuesday, January 19th


Castle Learning Online provides online study guides, quizzes, and unit exams. While we will be utilizing the computer lab today to create our accounts and take a practice exam, much of our Castle Learning work will done independently and according to your own time schedules.

Your Log-In Information

Go to

School computer log-in

For the first time, leave it blank and click submit. You will be asked to make a password and confirm it. You may enter your email address.

Once you are in…your classes will be listed. When you have an assignment it will be in RED with a reminder flag. Click on the teachers name and then click on the assignment!