Thursday, October 16, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tuesday, October 14

Presidential Debates

As a means to prepare for Wednesday's Presidential Debate, students on Team 7-2 will be evaluating the debate performances of a select number of political candidates. These candidates will be judged based upon their poise, knowledge of the issues, and ability to communicate their vision to the American people. Following these clips, students will evaluate Candidates A & B as they attempt to win the Presidency of Oceanside Middle School.

It should be a fun and rewarding day.

Presidential Debate Scorecard

John F. Kennedy (D) vs Richard Nixon (R) (1960)


John F. Kennedy (D) vs Richard Nixon (R)

Ronald Reagan (R) vs. Jimmy Carter (D) (1980)

Vice Presidential Debate

Dan Quayle (R) vs. Lloyd Bentsen (D)(1988)

George H.W. Bush (R) vs. Bill Clinton (D) (1992)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Review Sheet for Friday's Exam

Don't forget, you can get a wonderful review for Friday's test at:

Once here, you must enter your username and password.

Username = ocean-school id
Password = Your creation

If you forgot your password, please contact me through e-mail ( and I will re-set.

Mr. Keegan