Welcome my students with a smile each day.
Make history come alive for all students by creating lessons and activities
that are interactive, historically important, and consistent with our
Research, discuss, and debate the issues surrounding the 2008 Presidential
Utilize the resources in our school community wherever possible in an effort
to authenticate our historical studies. {Parents, Grandparents, Colleagues,
Infect each student with the history bug and build in each a deeper
curiosity for the events of the past.
Expose all students to current global issues that while seemingly so far
away, can greatly impact the world in which we live.
Build in each student an understanding that their actions – both good and
bad – have an impact on our learning community.
Create a classroom where all students can achieve to their highest potential.
Make interdisciplinary connections with the other academic subjects thereby
building a greater depth of understanding.
Arm all students with strong study skills and study habits that will serve
them well as they continue their academic studies in high school and college.
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